Friday, September 2, 2011

What Is It About Judge Judy?

There are certain people who have no filters, they have that unique ability to say the first thing that pops into their head without the slightest concern over what other people will think. In an era where people become “offended” at the drop of a hat, I find these filterless people refreshing.
Judge Judy is one of them. Judy does not ”suffer fools gladly.” (I have often wondered about that saying, googled it and learned that to suffer fools gladly is a reference to a Biblical passage.... In the passage Paul is pointing out to the Corinthians that those who tolerate fools are themselves fools.) 
Judy is no fool in spite of the fact that a parade of fools face her every day. Reasonably intelligent-looking women post bail for thugs and expect to be repaid, countless others cosign for loans only to find themselves responsible for truck payments, while the owner of the truck has flown the coop, mothers suing daughters, ex wives suing for child support. The list of horrors one human will inflict upon another never ends. What starts out in a loving relationship ends up first in hate and then in court.
“Sit down,” Judy will yell at one witness while telling another to “shut up and listen.” She tells parents  that “you can always tell when a teenager is lying if their lips are moving.” She tells kids to go back to school and make something of their lives. She tells people on welfare to stop making babies.
Although she is unflappable, I suspect there are days when the judge goes home depressed.  A constant parade of  stupidity and meanness is soul battering. If you are not convinced of the “dumbing down of America,” a steady diet of Judge Judy will change your mind, I am sure there are days when she wishes that it "was all temporary."

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