Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I am swimming!  This may or may not be a big deal to anyone else, but it is a very big deal to me. I became inspired after reading Zenhabits (one of my favorite blogs) on changing ones habits, slowly but surely, like my friend, the turtle.  Zenhabits says "focus on one habit at a time and make a decision to change."  It is important to concentrate on only one thing at a time, otherwise changing one's ways can be overwhelming, bringing on procrastination, discouragement and defeat.

I am a member of the local YMCA and am lucky enough to be able to swim when the pool is almost empty.  For those of you who are familiar with my "brave twin, scared twin" syndrome, I have discovered that allowing my brave twin to plunge into the pool is far easier than my cowardly twin. She just jumps right in and starts kicking. Neither twin is the picture of grace. I make my way up the lane like a crab, propelling my arms one way and my feet another.  Sometimes I lie on my back and kick, sometimes I do a breaststroke/butterfly combo.  My freestyle is a tortured mess, I need lessons from my granddaughters. There is a wonderful website on the benefits of swimming and the following is taken from that:

Water Resistance: Unlike air, water is a constant source of resistance, and though aiding us through buoyancy, it still requires more work to move through than air. But the stress of the movement is shifted away from the weight-bearing joints to the actual muscles. This means any movements done in the water can be both aerobic and anaerobic (think lifting weights and running at the same time but without the stress on your body!) And because water resistance can be controlled by the participant’s level of intensity, workouts can be customized to meet the needs of any age or ability.

To date I have gone three times and swam 20 laps each time.  I am telling you this because, although brave, my twin needs moral support. Confession is good for the soul, and I will need to confess from time to time if I don't keep at it.  As winter comes, plunging into that pool may be less inviting, even though the water is warm, even for a brave twin.  To be continued.

1 comment:

  1. Creedy you are the very essence of bouyancy and grace. Swim on. I too am now inspired and grow ever closer to joining my local Y. My old bones are intrigued by the promise of less stress on the joints.
