Sunday, March 4, 2012

Andrew Breitbart

"Change the culture and you will change politics."

A few short years ago I had never heard of Andrew Breitbart. The first time I heard him speak was on the radio and I had no idea who he was, he was someone talking about Hollywood and the entertainment industry. He grew up on LA's West Side as a liberal surrounded by liberals. While at Tulane his politics began to change.  It became increasingly clear to him that The Left in the entertainment industry had kidnapped  our nation's culture, they were calling the shots, and they were gradually eroding our nation's character. 

I lived in LA for awhile so I began to listen very carefully to what he said because of my own unsettling experience as a Conservative in Liberal LA. It wasn't easy.  It wasn't easy for me, and it most certainly wasn't easy for him but he never gave up the fight.  He knew that until Conservatives understood how our culture was being manipulated by the entertainment industry, the Left would remain victorious.

To that end, he was tireless, traveling, giving speeches, creating websites.  Biggovernment was my homepage, I couldn't wait to see what he had chosen to highlight every morning. Tragically, he died while still a young man. My hope is that his death will enable other Hollywood Conservatives  to stand up, speak out, write music and show us some movies that don't vilify our troops.  To quote Andrew Breitbart, "those who write a nation's songs are more influential than those who write a nation's laws."

I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that he is gone. How can someone so full of life be gone in the blink of an eye? There are questions. He had many powerful enemies. Be that as it may, the fact remains that those of us who were merely willing to sit back and read his websites  will now have to step up to the plate. We can't replace the irreplaceable, but there is much we can do. The beat goes on.

It's All Temporary

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