Tuesday, December 27, 2011

And You Don’t Think There is a War on Christmas?

I had always loved the Nativity Scene in my hometown. It was perfectly placed in front of a small shed on the town green, the figures were unpretentious, and it told the story in a very sweet, direct way. 
This Christmas season can only be described as a nightmare scenario. I  thought I was hallucinating when I drove by the desecration of our creche. Everything possible had been done to block the site with commercial crap. If you look, really look, you might be able to see a shepherd or a wise man. Horrors! Cover him up before any children see him . . . .

Unable to let this be, I wrote a letter to our mayor, admittedly a rather uncomplimentary letter. She called me on the phone and explained that her hands were tied, our city was going to be sued if we continued to display a Nativity Scene without “an equal display of God only knows what.”  Members of the ACLU, the politically correct mafia, drive through towns all over the country looking for Nativity Scenes in public squares. As soon as they see one they inform the town that it must be removed or the town will be sued.

To quote Michael Savage, “borders, language, culture.” We, as a nation, are losing all three, and at the very heart of it is politically correct thugs doing everything possible to eliminate Christmas from our calendar. We need to fight back before there is nothing left to fight for.

It's All Temporary

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