Saturday was my birthday. It began and ended unexpectedly, and the hours in between were perfect because I spent them with Carly, Sophie, Natalie and Julia who gave me lots of cards, kisses and cake - but I want to go back to early morning when Oskar and I were taking our daily morning walk. On the brick walkway leading towards my apartment was a Canadian Goose, sitting quiet as a mouse. She was all fluffed up and looked as if she was meditating while her husband paced back and forth screaming his head off. The more he screamed the quieter she became until she lifted a few feathers and out walked a baby. And then another. And another. And another. Personally, I would not have chosen that particular spot for my maternity ward, but it was fine with her. Such a lovely way to start my birthday, and if you believe in reincarnation, perhaps I shall return as a Canadian Goose.
To top it off, there was that MOON at the end of the day. Words are inadequate to describe it. I sat on the same wall, mesmerized, where I had witnessed the birthing a few hours earlier and watched the moon, her face clear as a bell. She smiled at me. What more could I ask for?
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