Saturday, October 1, 2011

Doggie Diarrhea

I woke up this morning to the most horrendous smell in my front hall.  Doggie diarrhea.  Poor Oskar had a very bad night and I slept through the entire episode.  I think he ate something while on our evening walk.  I have a habit of walking Oskar while reading my Kindle, consequently I don't pay as much attention as I should to his sniffing and eating. 

This would have been bad enough if I was lucky enough to have one of those fenced in yards, but I live on the second floor of a very large building and my apartment has wall-to-wall carpeting throughout. Oskar is now a prisoner in my very small kitchen.  I spent two hours in the prison this morning -  Oskar in his basket and me sitting on that stool because he was so upset I couldn't leave him. Thank heavens for my ipad.  I also cleaned my kitchen from top to bottom. The remedy, according to google, is white rice and canned pumpkin.  We shall see. Fortunately it's all temporary.

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