I am experiencing Breaking Bad withdrawals because I have to wait until next summer for the next installment. No TV series, not Madmen, or 24, or Big Love, none of them has pleased me as much as Breaking Bad. It is the story of a high school chemistry teacher, Walter White, who, for a variety of reasons, becomes a drug dealer, manufacturing meth in an enormous meth lab under a laundromat.
Bryan Cranston
The show focuses on drug dealing and chemistry, which is appropriate because the chemistry between the characters in Breaking Bad is impeccable. White teams up with Jesse Pinkman, an improbable, much younger partner in crime to do his dirty work. His wife, Skyler, is at first clueless, and then, after discovering the truth, quickly becomes part of the conspiracy. Hank, the brother-in-law works for law enforcement but unable to put the pieces together that would implement Walter White.
Aaron Paul
I know all this sounds rather dry, but it’s not. It’s wonderful. The writing by Vince Gilligan is brilliant. The violence, especially in Mexico with the drug lords, is necessary to the plot. I don't mind it, it is so bizarre. My favorite character, Saul Goodman, the wheeler, dealer lawyer is hysterical -- but what molds the show into perfection is the camera work. I am always interested in “the sense of place” in a production, and the stark, alienation of the desert scenes is so eerie that even the homes, the suburban neighborhoods, the fast food joints are isolated and alone.
Bob Odenkirk
I suspect all the past episodes are on DVD. Lucky you if you haven’t seen them, I can’t think of a more enjoyable way to spend cold winter evenings.