My father told me once that when I was a little girl he used to find "stashes" of change all over my room. I don’t remember that at all, I don’t remember if I was given an allowance for chores, although I do remember baby sitting for $.50 an hour. I baby sit from time to time today - for $15.00 an hour. Yogi’s quote rings true.
I have come full circle, I still have stashes of change, although they are “stashed away” in banks or mutual funds. I never handle money any more, it comes and goes via debit or credit cards. This is what I find so baffling about money in 2011, we talk about it all the time, but we never see it. It is like the elephant in the living room.
Swiping cards has replaced the jingle of change in my pocket and I’m not sure if this is a good thing. I do know that if I pay cash for something, hand the actual money to a cashier, it makes me think twice about the value of the item. Try it, you will be surprised, and it might cause you to rethink the necessity of the item in question. In the long run, it's all temporary anyway because you can't take it with you.